
Homviora Arzneimittel
Dr. Hagedorn GmbH & Co. KG
Arabellastraße 5
81925 Munich

Tel: +49 89 921 994 30
Fax: +49 89 917 985


Homviora Arzneimittel Dr. Hagedorn GmbH & Co. KG is represented by Homviora Arzneimittel GmbH (Commercial Register HRB 77682 Munich), represented by the managing directors: Dr. med. Violetta Horn, Dr. med. Felizian Kühbeck

Commercial register: HRA 63475 Munich
VAT identification number: DE 130502823
Managing directors: Dr. med. Violetta Horn, Dr. med. Felizian Kühbeck

Supervisory authority

Government of Upper Bavaria, Maximilianstraße 39, 80538 Munich

Note according to Section 36 VSBG

Homviora Arzneimittel Dr. Hagedorn GmbH & Co. KG is neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board. EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution: Website

Homepage conception & realization

Design: Dennis Hartmann,
Implementation: Oliver Blaum,